

NYC was a great time with the family and friends. Thursday night we arrived and found the hotel after a map dabacle. We got some Italian food for dinner on Broadway and saw The Producers, which was hilarious... great first Broadway experience. After the show I met up with Ivan, Kofi and some of their friends. We went to a hookah bar where we got the first one on the house. Mike, Hil and I made it back to the hotel by 3am. Later night than I expected, but well worth it. Friday morning we woke up late and walked around NYC for hours. The NY public libarary was huge and there was a cool exhibit about relgious books. Later that day Austin flew into Jersey and took a bus to the city. We met up with some other guys from the fraternity including Coop, Schaef, Jack, Kofi, and Ivan. Got some dinner at Carmines... lots of pasta, chicken and fried calamari. After dinner we went to a bar called Jake´s dilemma where they had good beers, beer pong, foosball and different rooms. We chilled out in the back room and ordered drinks from the waitress... all in all it was an awesome time.

The next morning I woke up and said my goodbyes to the family after going out for a huge lunch. They were kinda sad to see me off but I am glad they were there. My shuttle bus arrived late, which makes no sense to me considering how he drives. We started off alright in NYC, but once we got on the bridge to Long Island, all hell broke loose. This dude gunned it over the bridge, flew off an exit ramp, blasted around corners, through stop signs, over pot holes. This old Australian woman sitting next to me was clutching my arm for her dear life... poor old woman, I thought she was going to have a heart attack. As we blew past boats and wharehouses, all I could think of was this man driving onto a boat, a large door closing behind us, and we would sail out the ocean where I would become a work slave in Indonesia. That was not the case. Finally the clincher came when the driver flew through a red light while beeping incesentlly in order to cut through two cars sending them both to the sides of the two lane road. We made it to JFK unscathed... no bruises, dents, cuts or anything of that nature... just a little freaked out.

I made it into the airport.... last one on the shuttle bus, first one off. It took about an hour to check in and I was surprised to see a lot of people I knew. I was a little nervous for the long flight, so I got a beer at the airport. I was joined shortly after by the kid behind me in line and his family. They bought a bunch of food for us, but I couldn´t eat because of the huge meal I had with my family before going to the airport. Eventually we boarded the plane and took off. It was one long ass flight and I couldn´t sleep for the life of me, which is generally the case. Luckily there was an extensive movie and TV selection... I watched Four Brothers, The 40 Year Old Virgin, The Simpsons, Scrubs and some other food stuff. We arrived in Amsterdam at at about 8am ready to start the day... really, I just wanted to sleep considering my internal clock was screaming ´´its 2am go to sleep!!!´´

To be updated later...


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